Market Entry Services

Identify, Develop & Grow New Sustainable Revenues

Market Entry Alignment, Preparation & Launch

We support companies during the key phases of market entry to establish in a new geography – Align, Prepare and Launch. Throughout the market entry process we help drive revenue and commercial success by providing the specialised end-to-end knowledge, skills and support you need to facilitate the greatest chance of success.

Phase 1 – Align

Developing Your ‘Go To Market’ Plan

The key to a successful Market Entry is appreciating how a new proposition will fit into the chosen market. Understanding competitors, the market dynamics, the end customer segments and their buying behaviour, channels, pricing and promotion are among the most important in making a commercial success and delivering returns on investment.

Trade Horizons has developed a comprehensive, yet flexible, methodology through years of guiding companies through the decisions prior to launch.

Market Entry Preparation
Market Entry Launch

Phase 2 – Prepare

Creating a Successful Business Operation

Execution of all of the required activities in order to legally trade and deliver to customers in a new market requires in depth knowledge and experience. Validating all of the components of the chosen market entry mode ensures that when sales leads are generated these can be fulfilled.

We use the term ‘localisation’ to encompass the process of building in market capability that can leverage your existing processes and experience while presenting to the market in a language, style and format that facilitates sales. We deploy a series of client engagement models to support, augment or fully outsource this critical phase.

Phase 3 – Launch

Developing and Growing Your Business

Combining disciplined commercial experience with entrepreneurial agility is the key to meeting and exceeding well thought out plans. By offering our clients access to flexible resourcing and seasoned local expertise we support our clients in executing their Market Entry plans and ensuring they reach a sustainable critical mass as quickly as possible.

We can help you with any specific aspect of your growth plan, as well as an overall assessment of your current position and development of the plan itself.

Market Entry Growth

Do you need Market Entry advice?

Trade Horizons are experienced market professionals, passionate about helping our clients succeed in their business goals and thrive as they enter into new markets. If you would like to know more, simply give us a call for an informal chat or send us an email and we’ll get back to you. We’d love to hear from you.