This article was written by Trade Horizons North America Director, Richard Biggs.

The new US Embassy in London is a cube, a $1billion square building in booming South-West London It has been called the safest building in London.

The US State Department envisioned a new Embassy that would serve as the centrepiece of one of America’s longest-standing and most valued relationships. It also aspired to set a new paradigm in embassy design by representing the ideals of the American government—giving priority to transparency, openness, and equality, and drawing on the best of American architecture, engineering, technology, art, and culture.

Gold Key Service & International Partner Search Service

The U.S. Commercial Service is the trade promotion arm of the U.S. Department of Commerce’s International Trade Administration.  The U.S. Commercial Service UK (CS UK) at the U.S. Embassy in London promotes exports of U.S. goods and/or services into the UK market and inward investment into the U.S.  CS UK provides a range of services and programs to help American companies export goods and services to the United Kingdom.

Trade Horizons is delighted to announce that we have partnered with US Commercial Services in London as an Alternate Service Provider.  This means we can deliver the Gold Key market entry service and the International partner search into the UK market.

The Gold Key Service provides a more hands on approach for U.S. firms travelling to a foreign market with up to five pre-screened appointments to establish relationships with potential overseas agents, distributors, sales representatives, business partners and other local entities in-country.

The International Partner Search is another service that is offered. It involves conducting market research and identifying potential business partners, agents, distributors, or buyers for U.S. companies seeking to enter oversea markets. A thorough search is conducted in the target market to identify potential partners that align with the U.S. company’s criteria and objectives. A report is provided to the US company, which includes information on the identified partners and their suitability for collaboration. The U.S. company can then initiate contact with the potential partners independently.

If you are a U.S. based company that wants to explore the U.K. market then please contact Richard Biggs – Director, North America ( and he will explain the process and help you tap into U.S. government funding opportunities for this program through the State Trade Expansion Program (STEP).