Trade Horizons Limited hosted a a business delegation of German SMEs operating in the E-Mobility sector to Detroit (MI) and Columbus (OH), on instruction from the German Federal Ministry for Economics and Climate Action.

9 German SMEs, operating in various subsectors of EV ⛽️ (charging systems and charging infrastructure, batteries and IT-specific services, drive systems of electric vehicles and for the electrification of infrastructure, thermal management) met with American businesses and institutions, buyers and market experts to develop German-American relationships, expand market activities and learn about the American EV ecosystem.

Day 1: Detroit

The E-Mobility Trade Mission  started very well for the 9 leading German companies with a country briefing at Detroit Regional Partnership and continued with a site visit to Newlab.

Colton Dale (DRP), Vlatko Tomic-Bobas (MEDC) and Drew Coleman, EDFP, MBA (MICHauto)hosted the delegation and updated on the E-Mobility scene in Detroit and Michigan. Rich Fahle from Newlab shared information about the E-mobility, Renewable Energy, Deep Tech Innovation and Venture Capital ecosystem in the Detroit region.

The night finished with an amazing view over the river and fireworks from the 19th floor of MICHauto.

Day 2: Michigan

After a morning site visit to IACMI – The Composites Institute the delegates pitched to a Michigan audience, followed by individual business meetings.

Raymond Boeman hosted the day and a tour of the composites institute.

In the late afternoon the delegation had the opportunity to attend the June Mobility Meetup with around 100 attendees from the automotive and mobility scene of Detroit and Michigan, organized by MICHautoMichigan Economic Development Corporation (Michigan office of Future Mobility and Electrification, OFME) and Plug and Play Detroit.

Day 3: Ohio

En route to Ohio the delegation first stopped at Dietsch Brothers for Ohio made chocolate and ice cream. The next stop was to the Transportation Research Center Inc. (TRC), North America’s most comprehensive independent automotive test center and proving ground. to visit and drive the testing facilities and environments specifically catered to the development of advanced vehicle technologies. The highlight for the delegation was a 100mph ride on the 36 ° incline curve on the test track.

Here the delegation welcomed with local Marysville, OH cuisine from Bennie’s Pizza and presentations from Britta Schneider from GACC Midwest – German American Chamber of Commerce of the Midwest, Inc., Brett Roubinek, CEO of TRC, Jonathan Bridges, Managing Director Automotive Sector for JobsOhio and Eric Phillips, CEO of Union County Chamber of Commerce and the 33 Smart Mobility Corridor.

After that the delegation visited Honda Heritage Center including the Honda Museum, and had an introduction to Honda Purchasing and the potential supplier structure for Honda.

Deborah Scherer, Senior VP for Global Trade & Investment for One Columbus arranged both events.

The evening concluded with a networking event with drinks, traditional American Barbeque and Duck Pin Bowing, sponsored by JobsOhio and arranged by Alina Harastasanu.

Day 4: Columbus

This day was dedicated to B2B meetings for the 9 German delegates in the morning as well as panel discussions and site visits in the afternoon, before finishing the day with an introduction into the “legal side” of US market entry by Kegler Brown Hill + Ritter.

The B2B meetings were numerous and very interesting and fruitful and will help the delegates to start German-American business and partnerships.

Rick Stockburger, CEO of Brite Energy Innovators moderated three panel discussions where they discussed E-Mobility, Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Fuel.

The delegation visited Rev1 Ventures and the The Ohio State University Center for Automotive Research.

Day 5: Columbus

This last day of the Trade Mission was dedicated to b2b meetings in the morning, followed by two engaging expert discussions with useful information.

Alina Harastasanu provided a broad overview on “Why Ohio?” and Deborah Scherer followed with the more focused presentation on “Why Columbus?”

The afternoon was sponsored by Porter Wright Morris & Arthur and included a “E-Mobility, Renewable Energy & Site Selection” panel discussion. Katja Garvey from Porter Wright moderated the panel that included her colleagues from Porter Wright, Matt Lapin and Andy Emerson as well as Nate Green, Managing Director of The Montrose Group and Emily Smith, Global Business Attraction Manager for American Electric Power Economic Development.  –

It was a great Mission and will surely result in numerous business opportunities for our German delegates and the American counterparts.

We’re looking forward to the next trade mission!