Blog Category: News

September #2 Trade News: Taiwan, UK, BRICS, Argentina, Midwest in Japan, Vietnam, Australia

The UK Government has purchased a pavilion at 2023 SEMICON event in Taiwan and sponsored a delegation of 19 businesses to showcase the UK’s semiconductor capacity at the event. The businesses will showcase design, software and methods at SEMICON. The UK published its semiconductor strategy in May which committed £1 billion investment over the next decade in R&D, IP and chip design. Taiwan is the world’s top semiconductor manufacturing country. Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company makes microchips for Intel, Apple, AMD, Nvidia, and Qualcomm. South Korea is the second largest producing nation as it makes chips for Samsung. Taiwan is seeking a trade deal with Europe and Europe finds Taiwan useful as a partner to work with under the European Chips Act, however Taiwan is looking for a bilateral investment agreement which is not forthcoming.

September #1 Trade News: Ireland, Gulf, India, US, China

India is chairing the G20 this year under the theme ‘One Earth, One Family, One Future.’ Trade and investment ministers met in Jaipur this week to discuss digitising trade, SME inclusion in international trade, and the reform of the World Trade Organization. Business and Trade Secretary Kemi Badenoch attended and launched ‘Alive with Opportunity,’ a £1.5 million marketing campaign designed to build on the UK and India’s relationship and as part of the goal to bilateral double trade with India by 2030. India has grown to the world’s fifth largest economy, from below tenth place a decade ago. The meeting was attended by 300 ministers and delegation representatives. Indian Prime Minister Modi proposed to include the African Union in the G20. The G20 countries represent around 85% of global trade in terms of value.

August #4 Trade News: G20, UK Vietnam, BRICS, Greece, Philippines, India

India is chairing the G20 this year under the theme ‘One Earth, One Family, One Future.’ Trade and investment ministers met in Jaipur this week to discuss digitising trade, SME inclusion in international trade, and the reform of the World Trade Organization. Business and Trade Secretary Kemi Badenoch attended and launched ‘Alive with Opportunity,’ a £1.5 million marketing campaign designed to build on the UK and India’s relationship and as part of the goal to bilateral double trade with India by 2030. India has grown to the world’s fifth largest economy, from below tenth place a decade ago. The meeting was attended by 300 ministers and delegation representatives. Indian Prime Minister Modi proposed to include the African Union in the G20. The G20 countries represent around 85% of global trade in terms of value.

August #3 Trade News: Advanced Supply Chain, Sri Lanka, Chile, Nicaragua, China, Saudi, New Jersey, Panama, Coventry, FDI ranks

India China trade is down almost 1% in the first half of 2023 with China’s overall foreign trade dropping 5% in the same period. Exports were down 12.4% to June 2023 compared with the same period in 2021. Trade in goods is down 56m with the US in the first 5 months of 2023 compared to the same period last year. The US is China’s largest trading partner. UK exports to China were up 37.7% in 2022 whilst imports were up only 10% in the same period. The EU’s imports from China were down in 2022 while exports remained flat.

August #2 Trade News: India, Dubai, Saudi, Egypt, Turkey, Nigeria, Kuwait & Australia

India China trade is down almost 1% in the first half of 2023 with China’s overall foreign trade dropping 5% in the same period. Exports were down 12.4% to June 2023 compared with the same period in 2021. Trade in goods is down 56m with the US in the first 5 months of 2023 compared to the same period last year. The US is China’s largest trading partner. UK exports to China were up 37.7% in 2022 whilst imports were up only 10% in the same period. The EU’s imports from China were down in 2022 while exports remained flat.

August #1 Trade News: Egypt, Saudi, India, Vietnam, Africa, Israel, South Korea

India China trade is down almost 1% in the first half of 2023 with China’s overall foreign trade dropping 5% in the same period. Exports were down 12.4% to June 2023 compared with the same period in 2021. Trade in goods is down 56m with the US in the first 5 months of 2023 compared to the same period last year. The US is China’s largest trading partner. UK exports to China were up 37.7% in 2022 whilst imports were up only 10% in the same period. The EU’s imports from China were down in 2022 while exports remained flat.

July #4 Trade News: Mercosur, Turkey, Netherlands, Houston, UK, Spain

India China trade is down almost 1% in the first half of 2023 with China’s overall foreign trade dropping 5% in the same period. Exports were down 12.4% to June 2023 compared with the same period in 2021. Trade in goods is down 56m with the US in the first 5 months of 2023 compared to the same period last year. The US is China’s largest trading partner. UK exports to China were up 37.7% in 2022 whilst imports were up only 10% in the same period. The EU’s imports from China were down in 2022 while exports remained flat.

July #3 Trade News: China, Israel Arab, Twitter, Illinois, Philippines, Turkey

India China trade is down almost 1% in the first half of 2023 with China’s overall foreign trade dropping 5% in the same period. Exports were down 12.4% to June 2023 compared with the same period in 2021. Trade in goods is down 56m with the US in the first 5 months of 2023 compared to the same period last year. The US is China’s largest trading partner. UK exports to China were up 37.7% in 2022 whilst imports were up only 10% in the same period. The EU’s imports from China were down in 2022 while exports remained flat.

July #1 Trade News: Uzbekistan, Developing countries, AI, Nigeria, Bank of Ireland, Philippines, UK, Germany, West Midlands, Utah trade mission

Uzbekistan located in Central Asia has been a model country when it comes to attracting FDI in the past 6 years when it stopped being a Soviet state. The incoming President at the death of long-time autocrat in 2016 set about opening up the country to the West, liberalising the economy and becoming a free market.

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