International business expansion guidance and advice
Trade Horizons’ Market Entry Blog
Our market entry blog covers a range of topics relating to international business expansion. Articles tackle many different subjects, including the initial planning and preparation stages of growing your business, advances in technology you can take advantage of, through to sales & marketing, packaging and branding advice. Written by leading experts in their field, you’ll be sure to find something of interest and real-world practical advice if you are looking to grow your business around the world.
Latest Articles
Accelerating Automotive Advances in AI, Cybersecurity, and Big Data.
From June 24 to 28, 2024, Trade Horizons Limited, on behalf of Germany Trade and Invest Gesellschaft für Außenwirtschaft und standortmarketing mbH, is organizing a German Trade Mission to the Silicon Valley. The companies are visiting the Valley to learn more about the US market, share their technology and develop strategic relationships with relevant companies. Intensive networking with relevant US companies is part of the Trade Mission. The delegation includes six innovative German companies with various technologies in the automotive sector (E-Mobility, Autonomous Driving) with a focus on cyber security, AI and big data.
Einladung: Networking Lunch mit amerikanischen und kanadischen Luft- und Raumfahrtunternehmen
Luft- und Raumfahrtunternehmen, die Interesse an Kooperationen mit nordamerikanischen Unternehmen haben.
Trade Update May #3: Wind, Philippines, USA, Saudi, Germany, France, Catalonia
As the world grapples with the pressing need for sustainable energy solutions, one force of nature stands out in its potential to revolutionise our power systems - the wind. This article delves into the transformative role of wind energy in shaping the future of global power and politics. Wind energy, harnessed through turbines that dot landscapes and offshore installations, is not just an alternative source of power. It's a catalyst for geopolitical shifts and a key player in the global energy chessboard. As nations worldwide pivot towards cleaner, renewable sources of energy, wind power is emerging as a game-changer, influencing policy decisions, international relations, and economic structures.
Trade Update May #2: FDI, Germany & The Carolinas, Container Trade, Chinese Dumping
In an increasingly globalised world, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has become a key indicator of economic growth and development. As we step into 2024, it's more important than ever to understand the dynamics of FDI and identify the fastest-growing destinations that are attracting international investors.
Trade Update May #1: Italian Solar, Microsoft, IBM, Rockwell Automation, EU, Riyadh
In a significant stride towards a greener future, RWE, a world leader in renewables, has embarked on the construction of its first solar plant in Italy. The plant, named 'Bosco', is an 8.3 megawatt (MWac) ground-mounted solar facility. It is being installed in Partinico Municipality, located near Palermo in the picturesque region of Sicily.
Geschäftsanbahnung Singapur im Bereich Kosmetik und Reinigungsmittel
Vom 11. bis zum 14. März 2024 führt Trade Horizons Limited, im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz, eine Geschäftsanbahnungsreise im Bereich Gesundheitswirtschaft nach London durch. Das Projekt richtet sich vorwiegend an kleine und mittlere deutsche Unternehmen, Selbständige der gewerblichen Wirtschaft sowie fachbezogene Freie Berufe und wirtschaftsnahe Dienstleister in den Bereichen der Medizintechnik, Diagnostik und Krankenhauseinrichtung wie z.B. Lieferanten und Hersteller von chirurgischen und labortechnischen Geräten, Implantaten oder Prothesen, sterilen Verpackungen für Krankenhausverfahren sowie Dienstleistende im Bereich der Gesundheitstechnologie (HealthTech) usw.