Market Entry Blog

International business expansion guidance and advice

Market Entry Blog

Trade Horizons’ Market Entry Blog

Our market entry blog covers a range of topics relating to international business expansion. Articles tackle many different subjects, including the initial planning and preparation stages of growing your business, advances in technology you can take advantage of, through to sales & marketing, packaging and branding advice. Written by leading experts in their field, you’ll be sure to find something of interest and real-world practical advice if you are looking to grow your business around the world.

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Geschäftsanbahnung in das Vereinigte Königreich im Bereich E-Sport

Vom 28. bis zum 31. Oktober 2024 führt Trade Horizons Limited zusammen mit Creative Loops Internation und im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz, eine Geschäftsanbahnungsreise im Bereich E-Sport nach London und Manchester durch. Das Projekt richtet sich vorwiegend an kleine und mittlere deutsche Unternehmen, Selbständige der gewerblichen Wirtschaft sowie fachbezogene Freie Berufe und wirtschaftsnahe Dienstleister, welche im E-Sport-Ökosystem tätig sind wie z.B. Werttreiber und Organisatoren von E-Sport-Wettbewerben, Produkten, Dienstleistungen und Inhalten. Neben den wichtigsten wertschöpfenden Akteuren (Liga-Veranstalter, Event-Veranstalter und eSports-Teams sowie Teams und Spieler) umfasst sie auch Akteure aus dem Verlagswesen Verlagssegment, traditionelle Medien und Online-Plattformen und Online-Plattformen sowie strategische Partner usw.

23rd April 2024|Trade Mission|

Trade Update April #4: Turkey, Swiss visit, Sweden

As we venture into 2024, Turkey stands at a crossroads of economic transformation. After a tumultuous period marked by political upheavals and unconventional monetary policies, the nation is poised to redefine its stance on foreign direct investment (FDI). The question on the minds of many is: Can Turkey successfully lure back foreign investors this year? The past decade has seen Turkey's impressive growth and reform efforts place it firmly on the international investment map. However, recent challenges have cast a shadow over its economic stability. Now, with a return to orthodox economic policies and strategic reforms aimed at enhancing the investment environment, Turkey is signalling a renewed commitment to becoming a prime destination for global capital.

22nd April 2024|General|

Trade Update April #3: UK, India, Latvia, Aerospace, Louisiana, Semiconductors, East Africa

In a remarkable testament to the resilience and adaptability of the UK's economy, recent data reveals a significant shift in the global trade landscape. The United Kingdom, traditionally known for its strength in manufacturing and goods export, has seen a surge in its services trade, catapulting it to the position of the world's fourth-largest exporter. This article delves into the factors contributing to this shift, the implications for the UK's economy, and the potential future of global trade dynamics.

12th April 2024|General|

INVITATION: Networking Dinner with British AI Companies

Register free for the artificial intelligence Brittelstand in Bremen. INVITATION: ‘Brittelstand’ with British AI companies and networking dinner DATE: Wednesday 12th June TIME: 6-10pm LOCATION: Digital Hub Industry Konrad-Zuse-Straße 6a, 28359 Bremen, Germany WHO SHOULD ATTEND: German companies working in or with an interest in artificial intelligence. For example, automotive, manufacturing, aerospace, medical, automation, robotics COST: Free

Trade Update April #2: Romania, Indiana, UAE, Brexit, Boao Forum

Romania’s strategic efforts to position itself as a key energy player in Europe have garnered attention. Let’s delve into the fascinating aspects of Romania’s energy landscape: 1.        Energy Potential: Romania stands as the second largest producer of natural gas within the European Union, trailing only behind the Netherlands. On a daily basis, it produces 25 to 26 million cubic meters of gas, which is sufficient to meet its summer consumption needs. However, during colder seasons, this falls short. The real game-changer lies in Romania’s untapped gas reserves in the Black Sea. Estimates suggest that its onshore reserves amount to 100 billion cubic meters, while offshore reserves in the deep Black Sea waters range from 42 to 84 billion cubic meters. These resources could potentially make Romania the EU’s largest net exporter of natural gas. Additionally, the development of liquefied natural gas (LNG) infrastructure in Romania’s Black Sea territories could significantly impact the EU’s clean energy transition.

9th April 2024|General|

Trade Update April #1: UK Indiana, Quantum, Hydrogen, Blackberry Malaysia, India EV, EU Mercosur

On Thursday, March 21, 2024, representatives from the United Kingdom (UK) and the state of Indiana convened for the Second Working Group meeting in Indianapolis. This significant gathering was held under the auspices of the UK-Indiana Memorandum of Understanding. The meeting, co-chaired by HM Consul General Alan Gogbashian from the British Consulate in Chicago and Indiana Secretary of Commerce David Rosenberg, brought together officials from both governments, as well as a diverse array of participants from business, industry, and academia. The central theme of discussion revolved around the exciting intersection of AI, Life Sciences, and Semiconductors—a convergence that promises to shape the future.

2nd April 2024|General|
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