Blog Category: International Expansion

Local Knowledge is Key to International Trade

I spent an interesting day yesterday seeing both sides of the market entry challenge, from two differing perspectives. My morning was spent with a Bengal delegation of technology companies, at an event arranged by the East India Department for International Trade (DIT). As always there was interest and concern over the UK Visa requirements and we got an update from the DIT on impending changes to the UK visa system.

LatAm Edge Awards Finalists Announced

The finalists in the LatAm Edge Awards have been announced. Each company has been invited to London to take part in the final stage of the first British award for young ambitious Latin American tech companies looking to expand internationally, starting in the UK. The LatAm Edge Awards were launched with a view to identify ambitious Latin American companies with a proven business model and the potential for scalability within the UK and beyond, and help them realise international growth.

Announcing The LatAm Edge Awards

Trade Horizons is very proud to announce the establishment of the LatAm Edge Awards - the first British Awards to assist the establishment and growth of Latin American Tech companies in the UK. The award identifies ambitious Latin American companies with a proven business model and the potential for scalability within the UK and beyond, and helps them realise international growth.

5 Typical Fails in International Expansion – Part 5

The last market entry mistake is a trap that companies frequently fall into: this is the 'illusion' of being able to generate substantial new foreign income (attractive pricing and strong currency) based on only utilising home resources and costs (usually lower cost and weaker currency). This mistaken belief in the ability to create 'gold' from very little investment is surprisingly common and usually results in failure.

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