International business expansion guidance and advice

Trade Horizons’ Market Entry Blog
Our market entry blog covers a range of topics relating to international business expansion. Articles tackle many different subjects, including the initial planning and preparation stages of growing your business, advances in technology you can take advantage of, through to sales & marketing, packaging and branding advice. Written by leading experts in their field, you’ll be sure to find something of interest and real-world practical advice if you are looking to grow your business around the world.
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Geschäftsanbahnung USA
Vom 26. bis zum 30. Juni 2023 führt Trade Horizons Limited, im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (BMWK), eine Geschäftsanbahnungsreise in die USDA durch. Es handelt sich dabei um eine projektbezogene Fördermaßnahme im Rahmen des Markterschließungsprogramms für KMU. Zielgruppe sind vorwiegend kleine und mittlere deutsche Unternehmen (KMU).
Geschäftsanbahnung Vereinigtes Königreich
Vom 24.10. bis zum 27.10.2022 führt Trade Horizons Limited, im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (BMWK), eine Geschäftsanbahnungsreise im Bereich E-Mobility & Autonomes Fahren nach Birmingham, Warwick und Coventry, UK's Zentrum der Elektromobilität, durch.
Nov #5 Update: Indianapolis grows, FDO outlook 2030, Colombia tax reform, India healthcare, Australia India FDI, India healthcare
Global FDI is forecast to decrease further as countries enter into recessions caused by high cost of living, global food shortages, inflation, rising energy prices and massive national debt. The Bank of England expects a UK recession of 5 quarters long with a retraction of 2% on the economy starting later in 2022. Unctad says the global FDI decline is likely to continue until 2023. Global FDI flows in the second quarter of 2022 were down 31% on the first quarter. Investor uncertainty is very high now leading to a reduction in investing.
Nov #4: UK at G20, China South Korea, Irish exodus, Saudi, Milan fintech
Sunak is taking his time with trade deals, and it’s said he prefers detail over speed. Whereas Johnson had the remit to do as many trade deals as quickly as possible to fulfil UK’s independent status after Brexit, now things are appearing to slow down. The much talked about India UK trade deal is now in focus. Sunak met with Indian Prime Minister Modi last Wednesday and hinted he was after improved terms rather than fix it by a deadline. This is a change of approach from the original ‘deal by Diwali’ headlines we saw under Johnson and Truss.
Nov #3 Update: Fintech’s future, Red Latin America, Kenya South Africa, El Salvador, ASEAN, Cold Chain, Ireland, Australia, Semiconductors, Medica
Global FDI is forecast to decrease further as countries enter into recessions caused by high cost of living, global food shortages, inflation, rising energy prices and massive national debt. The Bank of England expects a UK recession of 5 quarters long with a retraction of 2% on the economy starting later in 2022. Unctad says the global FDI decline is likely to continue until 2023. Global FDI flows in the second quarter of 2022 were down 31% on the first quarter. Investor uncertainty is very high now leading to a reduction in investing.
Nov#2 Update: Taiwan America FTA, Amazon £53m female tech fund, Latin America currency, Best countries, Japan India FDI, San Jose contraction
Global FDI is forecast to decrease further as countries enter into recessions caused by high cost of living, global food shortages, inflation, rising energy prices and massive national debt. The Bank of England expects a UK recession of 5 quarters long with a retraction of 2% on the economy starting later in 2022. Unctad says the global FDI decline is likely to continue until 2023. Global FDI flows in the second quarter of 2022 were down 31% on the first quarter. Investor uncertainty is very high now leading to a reduction in investing.